Well I haven't been very succesful up until now. You are probably wondering what the reason is for the sudden increase in artwork and postings here on my blog, well, let's just say I have lot's more time on my hand and instead of wasting that time I have been trying to better my Photoshop skillz. Hopefully, then I will be able to show off my future awesomeness...until then please feel free to send me any feedback and comments on what I post. I may not comment on what you post, but it is read and considered while working on these pieces =)!!!
This latest project is a little darker. I found a tutorial on how to create this broken glass look from a fired gun and thought it would be fun to see if I could duplicate the effect (you English majors, don't judge me too harshly, I can't remember if it's effect or affect). While I had to find my own photos to use, which I found using Google Images, I wanted to make this a little bit darker and more sinister. I guess the actuall photo of the shooter wasn't the best angle to use, but I didn't want to use the exact same photos as the tuturoial. Anyway, let me know what you think.
Second thing I want to mention is this cool animated video that explains the whole credit crisis. It's short, about 10 mins, and it's entertaining. I guess the person who put this together did it all with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects, pretty cool in my opinion. Anyway if you have a some time, or you're just bored, visit this website and watch this video, again it is informative and very well put together.