Yes, I haven't posted for a few months. Part of that has been lack of motivation, but really it just comes down to pure
procrastination. My last class at school had nothing to do with art, ethics..
bleh; soon I will be starting a class on typography (whatever that is). I have been trying to do some soul searching to figure out what it is I really want to do. Being a graphic design major and not enjoying it, I originally enrolled at the Art Institute Online to do game art and design. However, the more I think about it and the more I read about what this consists of, the more I am thinking this is not what I want to do either.
Over the last couple of months, things have been slow at work...enter extreme
boredom. So, I turn to the good
ol' Internet and over the last couple of weeks have found some amazing blogs by a group of artists based out of Utah. Most of them work for a company called Avalanche which designs the video games for Disney. Looking at these individuals art work I realize how far I have to go and the style of these many talented individuals is the style I would really like to have. With that said, I have added a few blogs. Take a look as these guys are all really, really good. While I have had a good time at the Art
Institute Online, wish me luck as I am going to try to enroll at
UVU and enter the
Illustration program there. Hopefully some life changing events go smoothly towards the end of this year, love you Em, thanks for the constant support and